Dothraki Wedding

Later, Daenerys marries Khal Drogo and an extraordinary feast is held. Several people died in impromptu duels, which Illyrio says is a good sign: a Dothraki wedding without at least three deaths is considered a dull affair. The lady of the hour and groom receive many gifts, yet for Dany, two are especially intriguing. The first is a crate containing three excellent stones. As indicated by Illyrio, these are mythical dragon eggs from the Shadow Lands past Asshai that have turned to stone with the progression of time. Dany seems to feel some association with the eggs, but brushes it off for the time being. The second is a selection of books containing stories and songs from the Seven Kingdoms, given by Ser Jorah Mormont, an ousted knight of House Mormont. Ser Jorah swears fealty to Viserys as King and offers him his support and guidance, which is acknowledged. For his gift, Drogo gives Daenerys a beautiful white stallion. Viserys asks his sister to make Khal Drogo happy. Drogo and Daenerys ride down to the shore and consummate their marriage on the shoreline at nightfall. Daenerys is noticeably vexed and unnerved.

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A Different Time, A Different King

After the banquet, Ned and Catelyn proceeded to their room to rest in their bed. While resting, they received a letter. It was delivered to Maester Luwin by a messenger from the Eyrie. The letter is from Catelyn's sister, Lady Lysa Arryn, the widow of Jon Arryn. In the letter, Lysa accused the Lannisters of murdering his husband and the Lannisters plan to conspire against King Robert. Maester Luwin tried to persuade Ned to accept the King's offer to be the Hand, he said that only Ned can protect the King. Catelyn immediately refuses and said that the Lannisters murdered the last Hand of the King and now Maester Luwin wants Ned to take the job. The Maester replied back and said that the King rode for a month just to offer Ned the position because Lord Stark is the only one he trust. He also added that Lord Stark swore an oath. But Catelyn said that he spent half of his life fighting Robert's wars so he owes him nothing.  She reminded Ned about the time when his father and brother rode south on a King's demand and never returned alive. The Maester told Lord Stark that the situation has changed. "A different time, a different King" the Maester said.

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Tyrion and Jon Snow Talks About Being a Bastard

Outside the feast, Jon Snow is practicing his sword. His uncle Benjen Stark, First Ranger of the Night's Watch, lands to join the feast. Jon Snow immediately greets his uncle. Benjen Stark asked why Jon is not at the feast. Jon said that Catelyn thought a bastard’s presence would insult the royal family. Benjen told Jon that he's always welcome at the Wall. Jon asks him to take him back to the Wall with him. Benjen agrees to consider it. Tyrion Lannister then arrives and talks to Jon. He pointed out that Jon is a bastard. He said that Jon is too quick to take offense when his illegitimacy is pointed out.  Tyrion gives Jon some advice: “Never forget what you are, the rest of the world will not, wear it like armor and it can never be used to hurt you.” When Jon angrily asks Tyrion what he knows about being a bastard, Tyrion replies that "all dwarfs are bastards in their father's eyes."

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Daenerys Meets Khal Drogo

Daenerys and Viserys Targaryen stand on the steps of a mansion that belongs to Magister Illyrio Mopatis. Viserys got impatient and asked Ser Illyrio where is Khal Drogo. The magister said that  the Dothraki are not known for their punctuality. After a few seconds, the group of Dothrakis showed up. The largest of them is Khal Drogo. While Illyrio is introducing the Targaryen siblings to Khal Drogo, Viserys told Daenerys about the long hair of the Khal. He said that when Dothraki are defeated in combat, they cut off their braid so the whole world can see their shame. Viserys said that Khal Drogo has never been defeated. Khal Drogo is one of the finest killers alive, and Daenerys will be his Queen. 

Daenerys reluctantly comes forward and fearfully looks at Khal Drogo. The Khal says nothing and then the Dothrakis ride away. Viserys immediately asked Illyrio if the Khal likes her sister. Illyrio tells him that if Khal Drogo didn't like Daenerys, they'd know.

Illyrio and Viserys talks about the mission to cruise back to Westoros, and Viserys asked when the wedding will occur. Daenerys is not satisfied with the plan and proclaims that she wouldn't like to wed Drogo. Viserys demands that she will, in light of the fact that Drogo will give him the armed force he needs to retake their father's position of royalty from Robert Baratheon. Viserys adds that he would let her be raped by all forty thousand of Drogo's men and their horses if it meant getting his throne back.

The Targaryen Siblings

In the crypts Robert offers up his prayers at the tomb of Lyanna Stark, Eddard's younger sister, whom Robert was betrothed to before she was kidnapped by Prince Rhaegar Targaryen and died shortly after being rescued. He asked Ned if he have to bury Lyanna Stark in a place like that. He continued by saying that Lyanna should be buried in a hill somewhere where the sun and the clouds above her. He tells Eddard that in his dreams he kills Rhaegar every night.  Eddard reminds him that House Targaryen was destroyed, but Robert replies: "not all of them."

In the Free City of Pentos, across the Narrow Sea, Viserys and Daenerys Targaryen enjoy the hospitality of Magister Illyrio Mopatis. Viserys has arranged to wed his sister Daenerys (also called "Dany") to Khal Drogo, the warlord of a Dothraki khalasar of forty thousand warriors. In return, Drogo will give Viserys the army he needs to reclaim the Iron Throne. Viserys prepares Daenerys for meeting the Khal. He said that Denaerys still slouch. He tells her what a beautiful young woman she has turned into, and slips off her dress and strokes her tits. Viserys told her sister that he needs her to be perfect that day unless she wants to wake up the dragon. Daenerys just silently looks away and pretending it isn't happening. She steps into a hot bath that has just been poured. This greatly distresses her maid who believes the water will hurt her. However, Daenerys seems not to notice it and appears to be unharmed.

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Robert Names Ned Stark as Hand of the King

As the two walks to the tomb of Lyanna Stark, Ned asked about how Jon Arryn died. Robert said that one minute Jon Arryn was fine and then burned right through him, whatever it was. King Robert sighs and told Ned that he needs him. He said he's not supposed to be in Winterfell where he's no damn use to anybody. Robert formally offers Eddard the role of Hand, and Eddard asks for time to consider. By the tomb of Lyanna Stark, who was betrothed to Robert before her death, Robert poses the offer he rode so far to deliver. "You helped me win the Iron Throne," he says. "Now help me keep the damn thing. We were meant to rule together. If your sister had lived, we would have been bound by blood. Well, it’s not too late. I have a son. You have a daughter. We'll join our houses." Ned withholds his answer ... but knows he can't refuse.

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King Robert's Arrival at Winterfell

Bran's mom discovers him climbing on the rooftops of the castle, just as the royal party comes into view. He promised to stop, however his mom knows he is lying. She said that Bran always look at his feet before he tells a lie.

All of Winterfell gathers in the yard as the royal party approaches. Arya is late and irritates Sansa by not being quiet and respectful when they arrive. King Robert rides in with his knights, while Queen Cersei is in an extensive wheelhouse. Lord Eddard presents his family to King Robert.
Eddard and Robert welcome each other warmly. Robert told Ned that he got fat and the two laughed and hugged each other. Robert also greeted Cat and all of the Stark children. Afterwards, Robert requests to see the crypts and offer his respect to Eddard's perished sister, Lyanna, much to Queen Cersei's fretfulness. Cersei said that they've been riding for a month and surely the dead can wait. But King Robert just ignored her. After Robert and Eddard leave, Cersei sends Jaime to find their younger brother Tyrion, who she referred to as a little beast.

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Cersei and Jaime Discussed the Death of Jon Arryn

In King's Landing, the capital city of the Seven Kingdoms, the bells ring out to commemorate the demise of Lord Jon Arryn, the Hand of the King. As the Silent Sisters perform death rights over the body of Jon Arryn, Queen Cersei Lannister looks on. Ser Jaime Lannister of the Kingsguard, her twin sibling, arrived and said that she worries too much.  Cersei said that Jaime never worry about anything. Cersei recalled a time when Jaime jump off a cliff at Casterly Rock when they were seven. She said Jaime was never afraid. Jaime said there's nothing to be afraid of until she told their father about it. "You're a Lannister. Lannisters don't act like fools!", their father said. She is concerned that Jon Arryn may have shared some unmentionable secret before his death, and may have told somebody. She admits her feelings of dread to her twin sibling, however he advises her not to stress. since if the King knew it they'd be dead as of now. She lets him know that he should be the new Hand of the King, yet he doesn't need the occupation. He thinks of it as an excessive amount of work. He said their days are too long, and their lives are too short. Cersei accuses him of taking nothing seriously.

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Direwolf Pups

On their way back to Winterfell, the group found a dead stag on the road. The stag was partially gutted. Searching for what murdered it, they find a dead female dire wolf- a monstrous creature rarely seen south of the Wall. The dire wolf died after giving birth, leaving her five pups huddling by the corpse for warmth. Theon Greyjoy suggests that they should kill the pups, however Jon Snow persuades his father that this is a sign: the dire wolf is the Sigil of House Stark, and Ned's five true-born children are meant to have them. Ned agrees that his children should have the pups, but on a condition that they should be the one to train and feed the pups and if they die, they will bury the direwolves themselves. Before the group leaves, Jon Snow finds a sixth pup, an albino runt of the litter. Theon  mockingly points out that this one belongs to Jon Snow.

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Ned Stark Beheads a Deserter

Some time later, Will has fled south of the Wall in fear, instead of coming back to warn Castle Black of the danger of White Walkers. He is caught by outriders faithful to House Stark, the wardens of the North, and is taken to Lord Eddard Stark. Lord Eddard is in the yard watching his son, Bran Stark trying to learn archery. Ser Rodrik Cassel informed Lord Stark that the guardsmen captured a deserter from the Night's Watch. Lord Stark said that as a defector from the Night's Watch, Will is an oathbreaker and must be beheaded. He also told Ser Rodrik to bring Bran, but Lady Catelyn said that Bran is too young to see such things. Lord Stark said that Bran will not be a boy forever and Winter is coming. In the execution site, Will accepted his destiny, however enlightens Eddard regarding the White Walkers first and asks that word be sent back to his mother. Eddard completes the execution himself, using Ice, the ancestral Valyrian Sword of House Stark. Two of Eddard's trueborn children, 17-year-old Robb and 10-year-old Bran, accompany with him to the execution alongside his bastard son Jon Snow, his ward, Theon Greyjoy, Ser Rodrik Cassel and his leading guard Jory Cassel. Bran Stark witnesses an execution for the first time without flinching, earning praise from Jon. Eddard discloses to Bran that the reason he was made to execute Will was because the man who passes the sentence should swing the sword. At the point when Bran gets some information about Will's talk of White Walkers, Eddard rejects it as a crazy person's ramblings, saying that the Walkers have been gone for thousands of years. The group embarks to come back to Winterfell.

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The First Appearance of White Walkers in the Show

The White Walkers are powerful ancient humanoid creatures from the HBO TV series Game of Thrones and George R.R Martin novel series A Song of Ice and Fire. Accepted by many to be legends, they have returned and have been seen by a few sworn Brothers of the Night's Watch
and a legion of wildlings. Basically alluded to as the Others in the books, White Walkers are a powerful threat to humanity who stay Far North of Westeros.

Past the Wall, three Brother's of the Night's Watch: Ser Waymar Royce, Will, and Gared leave from the Wall to examine reports of wildlings in the Haunted Forest which lies to the north, Beyond the Wall. Will, the best scout of the three, finds various wildling cadavers dissected and arranged in an interesting, ceremonial form on the ground.

He also finds a dead wildling lady stuck to a tree. He reports back to the others. Ser Waymar overrides Gared's recommendation that they come back to Castle Black to report the circumstance to Jeor Mormont and rather demands seeing the bodies for himself, to figure out what slaughtered them. When they reach the site, the bodies have vanished. Will scouts around for signs, yet Gared finds a bloody piece of clothing covered under the snow. Further examinations are curtailed when a tall, humanoid creature with shining blue eyes, a White Walker, arrives and slaughters Ser Waymar easily. Gared tried to escape but is caught and slaughtered. Will, in great fear, sees the dead wildling lady from earlier now walking with blue eyes, furthermore witnesses Gared's passing, with the White Walker hurling his separated head at Will's feet.

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