The First Appearance of White Walkers in the Show

The White Walkers are powerful ancient humanoid creatures from the HBO TV series Game of Thrones and George R.R Martin novel series A Song of Ice and Fire. Accepted by many to be legends, they have returned and have been seen by a few sworn Brothers of the Night's Watch
and a legion of wildlings. Basically alluded to as the Others in the books, White Walkers are a powerful threat to humanity who stay Far North of Westeros.

Past the Wall, three Brother's of the Night's Watch: Ser Waymar Royce, Will, and Gared leave from the Wall to examine reports of wildlings in the Haunted Forest which lies to the north, Beyond the Wall. Will, the best scout of the three, finds various wildling cadavers dissected and arranged in an interesting, ceremonial form on the ground.

He also finds a dead wildling lady stuck to a tree. He reports back to the others. Ser Waymar overrides Gared's recommendation that they come back to Castle Black to report the circumstance to Jeor Mormont and rather demands seeing the bodies for himself, to figure out what slaughtered them. When they reach the site, the bodies have vanished. Will scouts around for signs, yet Gared finds a bloody piece of clothing covered under the snow. Further examinations are curtailed when a tall, humanoid creature with shining blue eyes, a White Walker, arrives and slaughters Ser Waymar easily. Gared tried to escape but is caught and slaughtered. Will, in great fear, sees the dead wildling lady from earlier now walking with blue eyes, furthermore witnesses Gared's passing, with the White Walker hurling his separated head at Will's feet.

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