Cersei and Jaime Discussed the Death of Jon Arryn

In King's Landing, the capital city of the Seven Kingdoms, the bells ring out to commemorate the demise of Lord Jon Arryn, the Hand of the King. As the Silent Sisters perform death rights over the body of Jon Arryn, Queen Cersei Lannister looks on. Ser Jaime Lannister of the Kingsguard, her twin sibling, arrived and said that she worries too much.  Cersei said that Jaime never worry about anything. Cersei recalled a time when Jaime jump off a cliff at Casterly Rock when they were seven. She said Jaime was never afraid. Jaime said there's nothing to be afraid of until she told their father about it. "You're a Lannister. Lannisters don't act like fools!", their father said. She is concerned that Jon Arryn may have shared some unmentionable secret before his death, and may have told somebody. She admits her feelings of dread to her twin sibling, however he advises her not to stress. since if the King knew it they'd be dead as of now. She lets him know that he should be the new Hand of the King, yet he doesn't need the occupation. He thinks of it as an excessive amount of work. He said their days are too long, and their lives are too short. Cersei accuses him of taking nothing seriously.

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