Robert Names Ned Stark as Hand of the King

As the two walks to the tomb of Lyanna Stark, Ned asked about how Jon Arryn died. Robert said that one minute Jon Arryn was fine and then burned right through him, whatever it was. King Robert sighs and told Ned that he needs him. He said he's not supposed to be in Winterfell where he's no damn use to anybody. Robert formally offers Eddard the role of Hand, and Eddard asks for time to consider. By the tomb of Lyanna Stark, who was betrothed to Robert before her death, Robert poses the offer he rode so far to deliver. "You helped me win the Iron Throne," he says. "Now help me keep the damn thing. We were meant to rule together. If your sister had lived, we would have been bound by blood. Well, it’s not too late. I have a son. You have a daughter. We'll join our houses." Ned withholds his answer ... but knows he can't refuse.

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