Dothraki Wedding

Later, Daenerys marries Khal Drogo and an extraordinary feast is held. Several people died in impromptu duels, which Illyrio says is a good sign: a Dothraki wedding without at least three deaths is considered a dull affair. The lady of the hour and groom receive many gifts, yet for Dany, two are especially intriguing. The first is a crate containing three excellent stones. As indicated by Illyrio, these are mythical dragon eggs from the Shadow Lands past Asshai that have turned to stone with the progression of time. Dany seems to feel some association with the eggs, but brushes it off for the time being. The second is a selection of books containing stories and songs from the Seven Kingdoms, given by Ser Jorah Mormont, an ousted knight of House Mormont. Ser Jorah swears fealty to Viserys as King and offers him his support and guidance, which is acknowledged. For his gift, Drogo gives Daenerys a beautiful white stallion. Viserys asks his sister to make Khal Drogo happy. Drogo and Daenerys ride down to the shore and consummate their marriage on the shoreline at nightfall. Daenerys is noticeably vexed and unnerved.

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